The Statements in these Video's, Testimonies, PDF Files, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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The Information in this Video is NOT Intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The following PDF documents consist of a variety of clinical studies and independent research reports on the antimicrobial qualities of colloidal silver-related products including silver ions, silver compounds, silver nanoparticles, nanosilver compounds, silver-impregnated and silver-coated products, and many other forms of silver being used in a wide variety of ways, but almost all for the purpose of benefitting from the powerful antimicrobial qualities of silver itself. These studies and reports are supplied for informational purposes only, and should not be construed in any way as providing medical advice or guidance. They cover a wide range of data on silver, including some surprising findings and discoveries regarding silver’s powerful antimicrobial, infection-fighting and disinfectant qualities.
These studies and reports are compiled here with the intent of giving the reader or researcher a general understanding of the many uses of antimicrobial silver, from a variety of viewpoints, both clinical and personal. The studies are not meant to convey efficacy of any particular colloidal silver product.
Because research into antimicrobial silver is ongoing, and because opinions and conclusions tend to vary depending upon the factors involved in different studies, these studies and reports should be considered merely as a starting point for your own research, and not be considered the final word on silver and its many antimicrobial, infection-fighting or disinfectant benefits.
Note to Publishers and Authors: If you feel any of these PDF files are on this site in violation of copyright, please inform me immediately by email, at [email protected] . These PDF files have been garnered from a variety of internet sources where they were found posted with no restrictions. They are here under fair use, and for non-commercial informational purposes only.
These studies and reports are compiled here with the intent of giving the reader or researcher a general understanding of the many uses of antimicrobial silver, from a variety of viewpoints, both clinical and personal. The studies are not meant to convey efficacy of any particular colloidal silver product.
Because research into antimicrobial silver is ongoing, and because opinions and conclusions tend to vary depending upon the factors involved in different studies, these studies and reports should be considered merely as a starting point for your own research, and not be considered the final word on silver and its many antimicrobial, infection-fighting or disinfectant benefits.
Note to Publishers and Authors: If you feel any of these PDF files are on this site in violation of copyright, please inform me immediately by email, at [email protected] . These PDF files have been garnered from a variety of internet sources where they were found posted with no restrictions. They are here under fair use, and for non-commercial informational purposes only.
120 Years of Nanosilver History Demonstrate Its Safety and Repudiate Attempts to Paint It As a “New Substance” With “Unknown Risks”
Nanosilver is assumed to be a new material because of the relatively recent emergence of the term “nano”. However, on close inspection nanosilver materials have a long, 120-year history of relatively safe and regulated use, chiefly in the form of colloidal silver. Historical perspective demonstrates that nanosilver has been intentionally manufactured and adopted commercially across a wide spectrum of everyday applications for many decades.
Anti-bacterial Performance of Colloidal Silver-treated Laminate Wood Flooring
Colloidal silver-treated laminate wood flooring keeps the bacteria away.
A Mechanistic Study of the Antibacterial Effects of Silver Ions on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
Researchers discover one of the ways silver ions destroy pathogens, i.e., by attaching to DNA and preventing the pathogen from replicating.
A Pharmacological and Toxicological Profile of Silver as an Antimicrobial Agent in Medical Devices
This is an impressive review of the available medical data regarding the pharmacology and toxicology of silver used as an antimicrobial agent in medical devices. Published in the journal Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, and written by Alan B. G. Lansdown, the well-known British researcher and author of the definitive guide to the use of silver in medical situations, Silver in Healthcare: It’s Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety in Use (Issues in Toxicology, RSC Publishing).
A Preliminary Assessment of Silver Nanoparticle Inhibition of Monkeypox Virus Plaque Formation
In this clinical study, published in 2008 in the journal Nanoscale Research Letters, researchers tested several forms of antimicrobial silver against the Monkeypox virus Zaire strain, which was originally obtained from a fatally infected human in Zaire and shown to be fatal in monkeys, as well. The virus was tested under biosafety level 3 conditions in order to prevent infection of the researchers.
Activation Of The Rainbow Trout Metallothionein-A Promoter By Silver And Zinc
In this animal study published in the journal Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology in January 2003, researchers tested the long-standing hypothesis that silver only indirectly promotes metallothionein production in the body by displacing zinc from its metallothionein bond. The liberated zinc would then go on to trigger additional metallothionein production, according to the theory being tested.
Activity of Colloidal Silver Preparations Towards Smallpox Virus
Colloidal silver demonstrated to be effective against smallpox virus.
Ammonia Hypothesis of Ionic Silver Utility In Vivo
This report is excerpted from a long-running debate on The Silver List. This is the brilliant blow-by-blow refutation of Frank Key’s “silver chloride hypothesis” by Stuart Thomson, director of research at Gaia Research Institute. Thomson demonstrates that, contrary to Key’s assertion, hydrochloric acid in the stomach does not render ionic silver insoluble.
An Evaluation of Acute Toxicity of Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles
Researchers tested mice for acute oral toxicity, eye irritation, corrosion and dermal toxicity of colloidal silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) following OECD guidelines. Oral administration of AgNPs at a limited dose of 5,000 mg/kg produced neither mortality nor acute toxic signs throughout the observation period. Percentage of body weight gain of the mice showed no significant difference between control and treatment groups.
Anti-diabetic Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Documented
In a clinical study titled “Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Tephrosia tinctoria and its Antidiabetic Activity,” published in the journal Material Letters, Volume 138, in January 2015, the researchers wrote: “The antidiabetic ability of the silver nanoparticles was tested and the results showed significant free radical scavenging ability, inhibition of carbohydrate digestive enzymes (a-Glucosidase and a-Amylase) and enhancement of Glucose uptake rate.”
Anti-Inflammatory Effect Of Topical Nanocrystalline Silver Cream On Allergic Contact Dermatitis In A Guinea Pig Model
This clinical study, published in May 2004 in the journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, demonstrated that a topical nanosilver cream was used to heal allergic contact dermatitis induced in guinea pigs via application of a chemical organic compound called dinitrochlorobenzene. Essentially, the researchers used a chemical organic compound to cause dermatitis on the guinea pigs.